Friday, August 20, 2010

Please Find Bazza

Another important message from Bazza vs. Wild management.

Bazza is still lost guys. It's been a sad and stressful week for us all. We've searched night and day but he could be anywhere by now, and we're almost ready to give up. We're holding onto the fact that his millions of fans/foes would love to help find him, and seeing as you've all learnt tracking skills from Bazza himself it should be a breeze.

So get out there and find him please...

Oh, I suppose we better give you a bit of an idea where to find him. Basically, there are some photos of Bazza somewhere else on the web. Just locate them and email us with the setting Bazza is in. He could be on a mountain, in a desert, floating in the ocean, on a roller-coaster etc. Just the setting is all we'll need to narrow down the search.

Please hurry. Bazza vs. Wild is depending on you to find him.

Bazza vs. Wild Management